Children's Author

The Books

A portion of the proceeds will go to St. Jude's Children's Hospital and ASPCA.
It's The Right Thing To Do
Inspired by a story that comes from the Brazilian Caboclos Tribe in the Amazon Rainforest, author Lindalouise wanted to find a way to impart important lessons to children while also highlighting the beauty and majesty of the rainforest. “The legend tells of an ocelot and a jaguar, one selfless and kind and the other selfish and proud,” Lindalouise says. “I wanted to dive a little deeper into the story to help children understand the importance of empathy and making the right choices.”
In It’s the Right Thing to Do, a beautiful ocelot named Lana takes care of her rainforest community. She is brave, kind, empathetic and loving. Lana makes time to care for those in need. Contrary to Lana, Leo is a selfish and, at times, rather unkind jaguar. He chooses to live alone and refuses to help others. Through Lana’s acts of kindness and charity, Leo learns the error of his ways.
Lindalouise aims to teach children the value of kindness and how it is inextricably linked to happiness. “Kindness and happiness go hand in hand,” she says. “Helping others brings happiness to not just others but also to oneself.” Lindalouise also seeks to emphasize the importance of friendship and believing in oneself.
A Wonderful Teaching Tool!
It’s the Right Thing to Do is a great book that can be utilized in the classroom or used for the virtual learning classroom. This children’s book’s audience is excellent for the following grades-early preschoolers to sixth grade.
It’s the Right Thing to Do teaches many of the following valuable life lessons leading discussions between students and teachers. Below are examples of life lessons concluded in the story.
Be kind, caring, and empathetic to others and always make the right choices.
Helping everyone brings happiness to not just others but also oneself.
Sticking to your convictions no matter what and believing in yourself.
Being loyal to your friends like Lana portrayed throughout the story. All these life lessons are the right things to do! Many topics can be extrapolated from the contents, for example, researching the people who live in the Caboclos Tribe to the rainforest animals.
In some example lesson plans, students can compare how Leo changed from the start of the story to the end and what changed him- or compare the two main characters-Lana and Leo throughout It’s the Right Thing to Do.
Older students in the upper grades can research the effects of logging in the beautiful rainforest and how logging may affect the animals that live there.
This children’s book is a great teaching tool where teachers can create many lessons that would be enjoyable for students.

A portion of this book's proceeds goes to organizations that help fight cancer and find good homes for animals.
Cletus the Little Loggerhead Turtle
"Cletus," is a funny children's book full of adventure and action, depicting two tiny loggerhead turtle's journeys to the surf. Cletus and Charley's adventure begins when they crack open their shells and emerge at their nest's top. The other hatchlings crawl toward the moonlight in the night sky, directly into the surf except for Cletus.
Cletus's brother Charley tries to convince Cletus to stop climbing the wall and follow him to the surf.
Cletus thinks that climbing the wall is a shortcut to the water and learns it was not a good idea!
During his adventurous travels to the surf, Cletus endures many obstacles throughout the story and wonders if he will ever get to the surf.
He meets two caring friends, a hermit crab named Leonardo and a sandpiper named Oceana, who shares their knowledge of the beach and the Sargasso Sea with him and safely guides him to the surf.
Cletus learns many life lessons from his friends, for example, the value of true friendship and how important it is to care for each other. He will carry much wisdom for his latest adventure to the Sargasso Sea.

Cletus and Charley’s Journey to the Sargasso Sea
Book 2 of the Cletus the Little Loggerhead Turtle Series
Cletus and Charley’s Journey to the Sargasso Sea is the newest adventure from Cletus, the Little Loggerhead Turtle series. The dynamic duo sets out on an exciting three-day expedition to the mysterious Sargasso Sea. Along the way, they encounter underwater companions who become allies in their quest to escape the clutches of a formidable Tiger Shark. Join Cletus and Charley as they unravel the secrets of the deep and uncover valuable life lessons that will stay with them on their journey. Through perilous situations and heartwarming moments, the Little Loggerhead Turtle series promises an enchanting exploration of the ocean's wonders, emphasizing the enduring power of friendship and the wisdom gained from each underwater adventure.